Income and Expense Analysis
Income and expense studies can be a challenge as useful information is often limited or nonexistent. We have the knowledge and the patience to sort through all available data and determine market rates that are reflective of your jurisdiction. When information is missing or lacking from your jurisdiction, we have the connections and experience to fill in the holes with known information from jurisdictions of similar size and economic factors.
Depreciation Analysis
Depreciation studies are the foundation to many aspects of the appraisal and valuation process. Even if the cost value is not directly used, it is often used as a benchmark for other studies and testing. This is why appropriately gaging depreciation in the market is so vitally important, no matter the use or classification of a property. Carefully measuring the depreciation in your market is something we take great pride in because we know just how important this study is.
Market Modeling
Market modeling has many moving parts, including market variables, constraints, constants, the list can go on. We take the guess work and confusion out of this and help get your models dialed in to produce the best possible results. Using innovative methods, we can improve your ratio and central tendency statistics.
Land Analysis
The valuation of land, particularly in older, more developed neighborhoods, is often a challenge. Often, it can feel like there is not enough data. Utilizing all three techniques when it comes to determining the market value of land, we will go to great effort to make sure land is valued fairly and consistently. When tracts of land are subject to extenuating circumstances, we will find the best way to account for these in order to arrive at a value representative of its market value.
Grain Elevator Valuation
The valuation of grain elevator facilities can be a difficult and time-consuming task. Listing the characteristics of grain elevator facilities can be a daunting task, particularly if your office is lacking skill and experience with these types of properties. We can work with your staff to not only show them how to list these structures but also arrive at a fair and equitable value. Streamlining this process can remove the burden of managing complex worksheets.
Commercial Data Collection
Commercial data collection can be a daunting task, especially in jurisdictions where there may not be an experienced commercial data collector on staff. We offer one-on-one training so that your staff feels comfortable handling commercial relist themselves. We can also lead the charge and relist the properties ourselves so that you have information you can rely on.
Grade and CDU Reviews
Often times if sales ratios begin to stray too far from 1.00 on residential properties, grades and CDUs may need to be reviewed. Staff and appraiser turnover can lead to grades and CDUs not being applied uniformly or correctly. We have the tools and the knowledge to get your office pointed in the right direction. We will work with and train office staff to ensure that consistency can be maintained.
Cost Studies
Establishing a replacement cost new (RCN) is the first step in arriving at a value using the cost approach. But just how accurate are your RCNs? We collect information from builders to help counties determine the best way to list and grade outbuildings and houses so that the RCN you are using in cost approach is reflective of today’s current market.
Staff Training/Workshops
If your office staff could benefit from a little more one-on-one training, we offer training workshops on a variety of residential and commercial appraisal and valuations issues. Simply assemble a few people from your office or region. We are happy to sit down with you and offer our insight and knowledge on the issues you are dealing with.
County Appraiser Transitions
When the time comes to begin the search for a new county appraiser, no one knows just how long it will take to find a suitable replacement. We can take on the responsibilities of the office in the short-term while the search for the long-term replacement continues. If you have a staff member who wants the position, but may need to finish the education requirements or gain a little more experience before assuming the role of county appraiser, we offer mentorships to prepare them for a successful future while fulfilling the statutory requirements of the office.
Ready to get started?
Let us know how we can help.